Friday, September 30, 2011

Purchasing a Tiny House to avoid mortgage

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via Tiny House Listings oleh Steven pada 11/09/29

Foreclosures, mounting debt, dreams of retiring vanishing, struggling to pay the bills. These are the problems millions of Americans are facing.
In most cases, the largest purchase these people ever made was their home, and in many cases homes are sinking people's financial aspirations into the ground.
What if there was a way to pay cash, or finance a very minimal amount for their home that didn't involve trickery or fudging numbers or borrowing more than they are really qualified for?
There is…
There is a downsizing movement underway in the United States, Canada and elsewhere in the world. People are realizing that maybe they didn't need as much home as they thought they did. They are realizing that they want a life of financial independence. They are realizing that there is a much bigger world out there and owning a small home brings families together (think little house on the prairie).
Tiny houses are gaining steam because of the many benefits they offer to those living in them. A huge benefit is owning your house free and clear. But that's just the beginning. Upkeep is less, less cleaning, heating and cooling is less, the benefit on the environment is greater, more money for retirement, freedom to leave a dead-end job, and so on.
I challenge you to look into Tiny Houses and decide if doing some major downsizing if right for you and your family.

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